Its gonna be nuggets birthday!!!!!!
So if you don't know nuggets, 1. You're missing out on a lot of fun. and 2. Dont bring food anywhere near her.
There will be a party/alleycat march 15th. The race will be short and fast and the party mellow and fun. either bring a wraped gift because she loves to open them or 5 bucks as a donation. Bring your dog(as long as there not going to finght other dogs) and a sweet gift.

Beerster will be upon us again soon. Don't know what beerster is? Well on april 19th the kids from Sharkfin bicycle club will once again be buying 666 beers, spray painting them pastel colors and hiding them throughout lemon hill. Then what you ask? Well then you pay $0 and go find the beers and drink them while doing some bike events in between.
In order to buy those beers they need money though, so there will be a benefit March 20th at tritone with some bands and some fun. So give a little then to get a lot later.

There are also some flyers going out for a race March 29th. Its called "March Madness" and the flyers are very vague. All i know is it starts at love park at Noon.
Besides that I will be hosting Racky 7 this year July 18th. Flyer and info will be updated later but expect a fast course, big after party, roller racing and out of towners.
If any knows any other things coming up let me know and ill rely it.